35yers History
- 2026
- Construction and service of world-class 1Tbps class research network infrastructure
- Application of quantum cryptography communication technology and establishment of a network that utilizes supercomputing together
- 2022
- Construction and service of a world-class 400Gbps research network
- 2020
- Started development of KREONET quantum cryptography network
- 2018
Domestic network
- An integrated ScienceDMZ model (infrastructure + system + development) developed for the construction of Science Big Data Super High
- 100G monitoring & DTN system developed for Science DMZ
- ScienceLoRa (KREONET-based wireless IoT) services launched
- 2016
Domestic network
- World’s best global 100G research network launched (five metropolitan regions)
- KREONET collaboration platform, MoU signed with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), a special agency of the United Nations (UN)
- Linked with the KREONET ScienceDMZ and the US Pacific Research Platform (PRP)
- World’s best global 100G research network launched (five metropolitan regions)
- 2015
Domestic network
- KREONET softwarization (KREONET-S) started
- KISTI-CERN 10Gbps LHCOPN (CERN LHC optical private network) developed
- Daedeok Innopolis-based near field quantum cryptography communication testbed developed/applied
- KAFE service, linked with the European EduGAIN
- 2013General-purpose and high-tech research environments developed
Domestic network
- The 200G Seoul-Daejeon backbone and 20G regional backbone project launched
- Increase in speed for 16 regional centers: 10G/20Gbps
- 40Gbps Daejeon-Gwangju-Changwon high-tech research network developed
- 80Gbps Daejeon-Changwon-Busan high-tech research network developed
- 2010South Korea’s first 100G research network developed
Domestic network
- The 100G Seoul-Daejeon backbone and 20G regional backbone project launched
- Busan, Daegu, Gwangju (12.5G), Ochang, Incheon (10G), Ulsan, Songdo (5G)
- Cyber-lab development support service launched
- China (Hong Kong)-Daejeon-USA (Seattle) 10Gbps established
- 2.5Gbps backup circuit established (Hong Kong, Seattle)
- 2008
Global network
- Linked with the ASGC (Taiwan), University of Hong Kong (HKU) and HKIX (Mar. 2008)
- 2005The nation’s first global lambda service launched
Domestic network
- Increase in bandwidth
- Domestic backbone (Seoul-Daejeon): 10Gbps (Jan. 2004) → 20Gbps (Jan. 2005)
- Busan, Daegu and Gwangju Regional Centers: 5Gbps → 10Gbps
- Linked with the Korea-China research network - KREONET, CSTNet: 155Mbps (Jan. 2004)
- Linked with BIG GLORIAD global network (Aug. 2005)
- China (Hong Kong), South Korea (Daejeon), the U.S. (Seattle): 10Gbps linkage
- 2003
Domestic network
- Global lambda-hybrid research network established (Jan. 2003)
- Domestic backbone (Seoul-Daejeon): 5Gbps, regional center: 2.5Gbps
- Daedeok SuperSiReN developed/operated: 10Gbps (Jan. 2003)
- Increase in STARTAP: 155Mbps (Jan. 2003)
- Linkage with StarLight: CA*net4/CANARIE Light path adopted
- 2002
Domestic network
- Regional centers expanded: Ulsan, Gangneung, Jeju (1994)
- High speed for 13 regional centers: 128Kbps - 1.544Mbps (1994)
- Linked with the European EuroPaNet (UILCC): 64Kbps (Jun. 1994)
- Linked with Japanese IMNET (KDD): 56Kbps (Oct. 1995)
- 2001An international research network gateway (45M) established
Domestic network
- Global lambda-hybrid research network established (Jan. 2003)
- Domestic backbone (Seoul-Daejeon): 5Gbps, regional center: 2.5Gbps
- Daedeok SuperSiReN developed/operated: 10Gbps (Jan. 2003)
- KREONET2 services launched (May 2001)
- Linked with the NSF STARTAP: 45Mbps (May 2001)
- Linked with the Teleglobe Internet: 20Mbps (May 2001)
- Linked with STARTAP (2 layers) and Abilene/Internet2 CA*net3 (3 layers) (Jun. 2001)
- 2000The nation’s first 155M backbone launched
Domestic network
- Domestic backbone (Seoul-Daejeon): 155Mbps (Jun. 2000)
- Regional center: 10-45Mbps (Jun. 2000)
- Linked with the US MCINET: 16Mbps
- 1997
Domestic network
- Pohang and Cheonan Network Centers added: 128Kbps
- 1993
Global network
- Regional centers expanded: Ulsan, Gangneung, Jeju (1994)
- High speed for 13 regional centers: 128Kbps - 1.544Mbps (1994)
- Linked with the European EuroPaNet (UILCC): 64Kbps (Jun. 1994)
- Linked with Japanese IMNET (KDD): 56Kbps (Oct. 1995)
- 1992
Domestic network
- Regional centers expanded: Ulsan, Gangneung, Jeju (1994)
- High speed for 13 regional centers: 128Kbps - 1.544Mbps (1994)
- Linked with the European EuroPaNet (UILCC): 64Kbps (Jun. 1994)
- Linked with Japanese IMNET (KDD): 56Kbps (Oct. 1995)
- 1991
Domestic network
- Regional centers expanded: Ulsan, Gangneung, Jeju (1994)
- High speed for 13 regional centers: 128Kbps - 1.544Mbps (1994)
- Linked with the European EuroPaNet (UILCC): 64Kbps (Jun. 1994)
- Linked with Japanese IMNET (KDD): 56Kbps (Oct. 1995)
- 1990
Domestic network
- Regional centers expanded: Ulsan, Gangneung, Jeju (1994)
- High speed for 13 regional centers: 128Kbps - 1.544Mbps (1994)
- Linked with the European EuroPaNet (UILCC): 64Kbps (Jun. 1994)
- Linked with Japanese IMNET (KDD): 56Kbps (Oct. 1995)
- 1988South Korea’s first nationwide Internet service launched
Domestic network
- 10 regional centers established (Jan. 1989)
- Seoul, Daejeon, Busan, Gwangju, Daegu, Incheon, Cheongju, Suwon, Jeonju, Changwon
- KREONET local transmission path developed (1990)
- Linked with the US NSFNET / CERFnet (SDSC): 56Kbps (Mar. 1991)