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디지털 대전환 시대 국가 과학기술혁신을 위한 초고성능 국가 데이터 네트워크, KREONET


The Network Operation Center (NOC) of the Korea Research Environment Open NETwork (KREONET) has provided uninterrupted and reliable services 24x7x365 for over 35 years, since the launch of the scientific research network project in 1988. Alongside the continuous development of large-scale research networks, the operational capabilities of the NOC have steadily improved.

The NOC is responsible for the management of the research network, leveraging advanced network management tools to ensure seamless operation. It applies innovative networking technologies proactively, offering advanced services to network users. To support this, the NOC adopts and integrates state-of-the-art networking technologies.

Furthermore, the NOC has established a collaborative framework through close cooperation with member institutions of the research network, ensuring reliable network services. The center also maintains strong operational partnerships with domestic and international commercial internet service providers and global research network operators.

Monitoring of Research Network Backbone and User Support

KREONET-NOC monitors the status and performance of both domestic and international backbones, as well as the networks of member institutions, 24x7x365. It serves as a communication hub between research networks, service providers, equipment vendors, and network users. The NOC detects and addresses network issues, often before users themselves are aware, acting as the first responder to all network incidents.

  • Monitoring of the status, performance, and incidents of the research network backbone
  • Tracking and managing incidents, maintenance, and support requests
  • Managing processes for configuration changes

Network Engineering Technical Support

KREONET-NOC, comprising a group of network experts, provides 24x7 technical support, monitoring, and management of networks and offers assistance to users. The NOC diagnoses and resolves issues across various network layers (L1, L2, L3) with speed and precision.

  • 24x7 network monitoring and incident response
  • Timely and appropriate responses to network modification requests
  • Direct technical support for network users

Network Security Services

KREONET-NOC, comprising a group of network experts, provides 24x7 technical support, monitoring, and management of networks and offers assistance to users. The NOC diagnoses and resolves issues across various network layers (L1, L2, L3) with speed and precision.

Contact Information

Email : Domestic Network: noc@kreonet.net

 International Network: noc@kreonet2.net

Phone : +82 42-869-0707

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