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디지털 대전환 시대 국가 과학기술혁신을 위한 초고성능 국가 데이터 네트워크, KREONET

Large transfers with Globus

KREONET provides a software-based data transfer platform service (Globus) that supports high-speed transfer of large-capacity data between collaborative research institutions in the form of SaaS (Software as a Service).


  • KREONET has been providing a high-speed transfer environment for large amounts of data based on ScienceDMZ to KREONET member institutions, and securing a large-scale data transfer solution for this purpose.
  • KREONET obtains a high-speed data transfer solution, Globus for global collaborations with the ScienceDMZ-based research platform (NRP: National Research Platform) and the Petascale DTN project between supercomputers.

Key features

  • In addition to the core function of data transfer, Globus supports data sharing, data management and creation of custom portals for collaborative researchers.
  • It offers a KREONET-branded website (https://globus.kreonet.net), third-party file transfer, file sharing, endpoint management, administrator console and clustering techniques for multiple DTNs.

Expected effect

  • It is easy to manage the endpoints at KREONET PoPs by using the administrator console. In addtion, it efficienlty optimizes data movement performance by monitoring transfer tasks easily.
  • For large-scale data-intensive research domains, it quickly responds to the research paradigm based on the scientific big data by providing premium services including large-scale data transfer and sharing for research communities.

Use cases

  • It is used for large-scale data transfer by KREONET users (KFE, IBS, KASI, etc.), high-performance transmission based on the 100G DTN cluster for KISTI Supercomputer-5 (Nurion) and high-speed transfer in KISTI AI Data Sharing and Utilization service (AIDA).

[Globus online data transfer]

[List of KISTI/KREONET Collections]

[Deployemnt for KISTI Nurion DTN cluster and connections with global supercomputers]

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