[안내] Streaming of telemedicine event:The 40th Peking EarlyGastric Cancer Tele-conference (PUMCH)
크레오넷관리자 View 36,560 2023-09-07
The 40th Peking Early Gastric Cancer Tele-conference (PUMCH)
Date & Time: 2023/09/13 (Wed) 15:00-120min, Beijing,CN (UTC+08:00) 16:00- 120min, Fukuoka, JP (UTC+09:00)
Program: https://med-hok.kyushu-u.ac.jp/program/1822
Streaming request: https://forms.office.com/r/KcZqnJPZGd
* Please note that the streaming will be available for the live period ONLY.
Please check your local time by time difference calculator, if needed.
If you wish to not receive any of our streaming information or any technical problem occurs when you receive the streaming, feel free to contact temdec@med.kyushu-u.ac.jp .